The human body is precisely designed for optimal functioning if only we can uncover the secrets of balancing what we ingest.   

Alkaline vs. Acidic Diet

The human body is precisely designed for optimal functioning if only we can uncover the secrets of balancing what we ingest.  There has been much interest in a more alkaline diet in recent times.  In thinking about an alkaline versus acidic diet, understanding pH is important.  pH stands for “potential Hydrogen”.  This abbreviation, often used in chemistry,  describes the negative log of Hydrogen in a water-based solution.  Thus, every area of the body, which is mostly made up of water, can be measured on the pH scale.  

pH Values in the Body

The pH scale runs from 1-14.  The lower the number on the scale, the higher the acidity of the substance.  Conversely, the higher the number, the more alkaline a substance.  The following are average pH values in the human body:  

  • Skin- Between 4.0 and 6.5

  • Urine- Between 4.0 and 8.0

  • Stomach- Between 1.35 and 1.5

  • Spinal Fluid- 7.3

  • Blood- Between 7.35 and 7.4


pH Values in Foods

The foods we eat and the beverages we drink are also assigned pH values.  Fruits and vegetables are generally assigned higher pH values, while meats, grains and alcohol are more acidic.  Other foods are considered neutral like natural fats and carbohydrates.  Here are some sample foods and pH values:

  • Apples- Between 3.30 and 4.0

  • Asparagus- Between 6.0 and 6.7

  • Blueberries- Between 3.12 and 3.33

  • Bread- Between 5.0 and 6.2

  • Cottage Cheese- Between 4.75 and 5.02

  • Grapefruit- Between 3.0 and 3.75

  • Vinegar- Between 2.4 and 3.4

For a complete list of foods click here.

pH Levels and Illness

In order for systems to be healthy and balanced, pH levels should be within a specific range for different organs and areas within the body.  Highly acidic areas can cause diseases, inflammation and pain.  For example, the stomach is highly acidic in order to break down foods, while the blood is more alkaline.  Increasing acid in the stomach can cause issues of indigestion and ulcers.  When the blood is too alkaline, alkalosis is present.  With this condition, lung problems and/or kidney problems are usually present.  

Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

While there have been some unsubstantiated claims that an alkaline diet will help prevent cancer, the research does not support this theory.  However, there are some specific benefits to embracing an alkaline diet.  Overall health and wellness seem to be affected positively by ingesting an alkaline heavy diet.  Some of these benefits are: 


  • kidney health

  • prevent osteoporosis

  • improving growth hormone levels

  • reduces cardiovascular problems

  • improves respiratory function

  • reduces low back pain

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

An alkaline diet is certainly not an easy way toward a magical cure for ailments; however, it is a healthy was to support the body’s ability to heal itself.  Most alkaline foods are fruit and vegetables, which are healthy for numerous reasons.  We are happy to recommend specific alkaline foods and those high in Vitamin D to aid in reduction of back pain.  Set up and appointment today for a free screening.  Not only will our helpful staff insure your spine is adjusted, we will also make lifestyle suggestions to get you functioning at your best level.  Call today!  404-610-1090

In wellness,  

Dr. Tali