How do I know if I am receiving the Best Chiropractic care?

For those of you living outside the service area of Radiant Health Chiropractic, you may wonder how to find a quality provider.  There are certain things to look for if you are searching for the best chiropractic care.  The most important consideration for any sort of medical treatment is to find a doctor who listens and plans a path to wellness for you.  When looking for a chiropractor, think about a long-term working relationship with someone who can support your goals for optimal health.


Research Different Chiropractors

With any service, it helps to research different providers in your area.  In addition to combing websites and reading online reviews, asking friends and neighbors about different providers can be helpful, as well.  Hearing positive and negative experiences from others can help narrow the list of providers you are considering.  After determining a list of contenders, call each office to get more information. 

Questions to Ask When You Call

While you are looking for a chiropractor with extensive knowledge and good bedside manner, there are other practical matters to consider when seeking the best chiropractic care.  Knowing the right questions to ask can be important in finding the right doctor for you.  Consider asking the following to determine if a care center is a good fit:

·         Ask about screening, evaluation, x-rays and treatment options.

·         Make sure to inquire about costs, insurance options and billing.

·         Determine a center’s hours of operation to see if it fits with your schedule.

·         Ask about collaborative services like massage, acupuncture and nutrition.

·         Inquire about standard treatment plans.

How Do You Feel?

For many people, going to any type of doctor can be anxiety producing.  Chiropractic can seem strange, especially if you have never been seen for this type of care.  Because chiropractic generally focuses on wellness instead of disease, it can be a different experience for patients.  Mental and emotional states are tied to recovery efforts.  Thus, finding a doctor who sets you at ease is critical to embarking on a treatment journey.  A doctor providing the best chiropractic care will do the following:

·         Spend time listening to your concerns.

·         Conduct a thorough exam prior to beginning treatments.

·         Offer a tour of the facility and equipment.

·         Verbally describe instruments, adjustments and treatments.

·         Reevaluate the effectiveness of treatment periodically.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Radiant Health Chiropractic is fully committed to your health and well-being.  Finding the right provider to restore you to optimal wellness should be your ultimate goal.  Make sure your chiropractor listens well and is committed to a program designed to improve your overall quality of life.  Not only will chiropractic care help with painful injuries, the right care can promote better physical functioning than you had previously.  If you have questions about how to find the best possible chiropractic care, reach out today and call us at 404-610-1090

In Wellness,

Dr. Tali