Radiant Health Chiropractic

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The Secrets to Using KT Tape

Specific Ways to Use KT Tape

As discussed in our last blog, Kinesiology Therapeutic Sports Tape, or KT tape has many benefits when paired with chiropractic care.  This article will explore specific methods of taping to offer relief to painful areas and injuries.  When you are suffering from pain, KT tape can aid healing by supporting muscles, tissues and ligaments as the body employs its own natural processes.

Conditions that Can Be Treated with KT Tape

Because KT tape was developed to replicate the elasticity of muscles, it is strong, yet flexible.  When used in concert with chiropractic adjustments, problem areas are held in place to relieve pressure upon sensitive areas.  Some of the conditions currently being treated with KT tape are:  plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, sciatica, and torn rotator cuff.  Proper application of KT tape can offer immediate relief for these painful conditions. 

KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a condition characterized by pain and burning in the bottom of the foot when stepping down, particularly after a period of rest.  The plantar fascia is the large band of connective tissue between the ball of the foot and the heel.  The Achilles tendon is located between the heel and the calf.  KT tape applied from the ball of the foot, over the heel and up the Achilles tendon to the bottom of the calf offers support and relief for both conditions.  However, it is important to understand this will only be a temporary fix for an ongoing problem without proper chiropractic adjustment.  Misalignments in gait and improper distribution of weight during physical activity are the primary causes of these conditions. 

KT Tape for Shin Splints

Shin splints can be a thorn in the side of any runner or activity enthusiast.  These small tears in muscle and bone tissue are caused by overuse.  When beginning a new exercise routine or training for an athletic event, KT tape can help support the torn muscles.  Apply a piece of tape along each side of the shin bone.  Tear another piece in half and place one half approximately two inches below the knee horizontally.  The second half should be placed horizontally an inch or two below the first half piece, depending upon the location of the pain.  Your specific condition should drive KT tape placement.

KT Tape for Sciatica

Anyone who has ever suffered with sciatica understands the need for quick relief.  This condition causes shooting pain down the lower back, over the hips, buttocks and thighs.  Often, misalignment of the hips is the chief cause, making chiropractic adjustments key.  However, KT tape can support the area, relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve.  You will need help to apply the tape on your back.  The beginning of the sciatic nerve is located in the lower back on either side of the spine.  Use a full piece of KT tape across horizontally across the lower back to relieve pressure on the area.  Next, cut a piece of tape in half.  Apply each half in an upside down ā€œvā€ shape, covering each sciatic nerve point extending toward the hip.  KT tape along with chiropractic adjustments will move hips back into correct alignment, alleviating painful pressure on the sciatic nerves.   

KT Tape for Torn Rotator Cuff

A torn rotator cuff usually occurs from overuse or extension of the shoulder or poor form during exercise.  To support this area of injury, your chiropractor will develop a care plan for you.  Any injury takes treatment and time for healing.  KT tape can relieve pressure on the muscular tear and is also thought to improve blood flow to the area.  Increased blood flow speeds healing, as well.  Place a full strip of tape horizontally across the top side of the shoulder extending around to the back to the far side of the shoulder blade. Take another piece of tape, cut in half and place vertically side by side across the first piece of tape.  Positioning should support the area of extension in the shoulder.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Remember, KT tape is merely a tool in the arsenal of drug-free therapies.  Developing a chiropractic treatment plan to heal the root cause of pain is important when employing any tool designed for temporary relief.  If you are in our area, we look forward to joining you in the pursuit of wellness.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, our goal is get you back to the business of pain-free living. 

In wellness, 
Dr. Tali